100 Jokes And Memes That Hilariously Sum Up Being A Parent From “Parent Normal”

There are as many parenting tactics as there are parents. No wonder this is a somewhat controversial subject that can instantly ignite an argument between opinionated moms and dads that believe in different schools of raising their kids.

But the self-described “3 x Soccer Dad” Chris Cate has realized that humor is the best and possibly the only good way to talk about the joys and challenges of being a parent. On his Instagram account “Parent Normal,” dad Cate shares a daily dose of hilariously relatable memes and jokes he finds online with his audience of 159K.

The result is a funny compilation of miscellaneous posts that sum up the chaos of raising our little daredevils posted by people on the internet who know what they’re saying, and selected by dad Cate, who knows we're all gonna appreciate them!

#1 Brilliant Mom Hack # 23,397

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#2 This Is A Secret Worth Keeping

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#3 Who Needs A Mother’s Day Gift Idea?

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Parenting has become a daunting task for most parents in the current times. The reason why parenting has become quite challenging is due to the fact that our lifestyle is rapidly changing with newer requirements and demands being instilled into our lives. The time we live in is also to blame, since the worldwide pandemic and political turmoil in the world are changing the ways we live, work, and raise kids beyond recognition.

But since parents always want what’s best for their children, it’s hard for them to realize the world may not be as welcoming and easily navigated as it was for them. Today, parents are worried sick about their children’s prospects in an unstable world teeming with threats near and far—whole categories of jobs disappearing, global financial upheaval; terrorist attacks; refugees in misery; the environment under assault from poisons and rising temperatures.

#4 Enjoy These Moments

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#5 This Is A Scary Good Prank

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#6 The Sad Part Is Our Kids Will Leave Out The Part About How Parents Kept Them Entertained

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Madeline Levine, Ph.D. a psychologist, educator and co-founder of Challenge Success, a project of the Stanford Graduate School of Education, spoke with various parents from all walks of life: public, private, liberal, conservative, rural, urban, and most everything in between. “For more than a decade I’ve been crisscrossing the United States talking about rising rates of anxiety and depression in our kids, and more recently, about parenting challenges in our rapidly changing and uncertain environment.”

#7 So Sweet

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#9 Relax

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What Levine found genuinely surprised her and it is the uniformity of concerns, regardless of which community she is in. “Parents want to know what to worry about and what they can safely take off their plates. They want to know how to prepare their kids to be successful in a future that seems so unpredictable. How to deal with the endless alarming news about children and teenagers,” she commented. “Most of all, they want to know how to protect their kids and ensure some stability for them in a world that seems anything but,” Levine added.

#10 It’s The Lesser Of Two Evils

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#11 Your Welcome

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#12 This Is How Parents Get Exercise

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What’s interesting is that the effect of uncertainty and fear is visible not only in parents, but also in children’s changing behavior. Levine recounted that ten years ago, her young patients were in a fury about the parental yoke: ‘It’s my life! Tell my mom and dad to back off. I’ll figure it out myself!’ This is long gone in our times.

#13 Saturdays Aren't What They Used To Be

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#14 You've Been Warned

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#15 You Know You’re Going To Tell Somebody This Joke

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“One of the most disturbing developments in recent years has been the fading of youthful rebellion among the teenagers I see. It’s been replaced with resignation and a jaded demeanor I’d expect from folks many years older who had to work at jobs they despised in order to support a family or pay a mortgage,” Levine wrote.

#16 The Truth Hurts

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#17 This Isn't Too Much To Ask, Is It?

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#18 There’s Nothing Like Father/Son Bonding Over A “Cool” Dad Joke

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“‘You don’t understand,’ these teens will say, shaking their heads. ‘There is no way out of the next three years. I’m just going to suck it up. I have no choice.’ The belief that you can’t act on your own behalf is a significant contributor to depression at any age,” Levine argues. No wonder humor has become so widespread on the internet. Today memes are no longer the thing of youth, parents are also looking for jokes to lift up their spirits and find comfort in laughter.

#19 We All Need To Be Taking Notes

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#20 This Kid Is My Hero

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#21 Mind Your Business

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#22 Haha

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#23 Always

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#24 100

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#25 We All Need To Support Each Other

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#26 It's A Dad Thing

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#27 100

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#28 Why Do They Do This To Me?!

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#29 Wouldn't This Be Nice?!

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#30 Why Do I Buy So Many Groceries I Don't Need?

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#31 This Makes Me Wish I Had A Charger For Myself

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#32 Not So Hard To Imagine

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#33 What A Good Life Kids Have And They Don't Even Know It

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#34 Something For Moms To Remember At The Pool And Beach This Summer

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#35 Never Say Relax

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#36 There Should Be Lots Of Candy In This Photo Too. But A Kid Probably Stole It And Ate It Already

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#37 This Is A Seriously Good Pro Tip

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#38 This Maybe 1000% True

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#39 Do You Snore Or Is It Your Spouse?

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#40 Seriously!

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#41 Desperate Times Call For Funny Measures

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#42 His Is Elite Level Parenting

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#43 Who Agrees?

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#44 Take Wins Where You Can Get Them!

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#45 Life Is Hard

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#46 Is This What You Want? What You Really Really Want?

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#47 Is This Too Much To Ask?

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#48 It’s One Of The Unwritten Rules Of Parenthood

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#49 Brilliant!⠀

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#50 Magical Is One Word For It

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#51 Yep. This Checks All The Boxes

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#52 This Is Perfect On So Many Levels

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#53 I'm Trying This, For Sure

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#54 We Have So Many Rocks. You?

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#55 Raise Your Hand If Today Has "Been A Day" For You

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#56 Does That Make Sense?

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#57 Reason #183,734 That Parenting Is Impossible To Get Perfect

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#58 This Is The Worst At A Community Pool

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#59 Brilliant!

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#60 This Could Save Marriages

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#61 Clever Kid

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#62 So Illegal

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#63 This Gives Me A Sinking Feeling

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#64 Is There Anything A Mom Can't Do?

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#65 I’m So Sorry

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#66 How Are Your Kids Handling The Start Of Homeschool?

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#67 At Least He Knows He’s Wrong. Sometimes That’s All A Parent Can Ask For

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#68 Yes! So Frustrating

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#69 The Circle Of Life

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#70 Ometimes You Need To Take A Step Back To Move Forward

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#71 Where Do I Sign Up?

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#72 How Quickly A Mood Can Change

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#73 So Unfortunate

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#74 Truth

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#75 Don’t Worry, I Got This One

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#76 Happy Mother’s Day!!

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#77 Those Were The Best Days!

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#78 Kids Don't Ever Sleep Longer In The Morning. They Just Get More Grumpy If They Stay Up Late

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#79 Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

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#80 Ugh

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#81 I Envy The Ignorant

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#82 One Of The Many Ways Perspectives Change With Parenthood

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#83 Everything Due

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#84 It's The Original Dad Joke

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#85 So Much Anxiety!

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#86 Disciplining Kids In Public Is An Art

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#87 Who Feels This Every Day?

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#88 Good Luck With That

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#89 Moms Are Magical

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#90 It's A Good Rule

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#91 Always

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#92 This Is The Ultimate Dad Joke Photo

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#93 Truth

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#94 If You're Gonna Go, You Might As Well Enjoy It

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#95 Ain't That The Truth!

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#96 So Funny. Birthday Parties Just Haven't Been The Same This Year

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#97 Sometimes Going To Sleep Takes More Than A Little Reading

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#98 Someday. But Not Any Day Soon

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#99 How Would You Know??

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#100 Can't Be Too Careful

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