5 Ways to Keep Up to Date with Trends as a Parent

5 Ways to Keep Up to Date with Trends as a Parent

5 Ways to Keep Up to Date with Trends As a Parent

See what resonates with you among these parenting movements for the new year if you’d like to stay up to date with the latest trends. There are a lot of opportunities for creativity, acceptance, and raising emotionally healthy, intelligent children in the year 2022. The newest trends are more than enough to become a fashionista in the parenting world.

5 Ways to Keep Up to Date with Trends as a Parent
  • Dealing with Anxiety

More than one in 20 children and teens in the US experience anxiety or depression today because of the fast-paced world we live in. You have to maintain a delicate balancing act when raising an anxious child. It may be difficult for anxious children to interact with teachers and peers, attend doctor appointments, or even go shopping in a crowded area.

Anxious children are often protected from judgment by their parents. It is important that others don’t see how a child may be struggling emotionally and physically. Nonetheless, in the new decade, mental health issues are being discussed more openly, which helps reduce stigma.

If your child is old enough to own a phone, a great idea is to get them to write some positive statements in their notes. When an anxious moment arises, the note gives your child a friendly reminder that “this too shall pass.” It gives them an opportunity to regroup and go on with their day.

5 Ways to Keep Up to Date with Trends as a Parent
  • Homeschooling

When deciding to homeschool their children, parents are passionate about it. According to the National Home Education Research Institute, in the United States, there are about 2.5 million homeschool students in grades K-12. The number is expected to increase as we enter the new decade.

Parents who homeschool tout the following benefits.

  • Removing stressors like peer pressure and bullying creates a more positive learning environment.
  • Parents can optimize the learning styles of children.
  • The availability of resources, laws, and changes in attitudes make it easier for families today to homeschool.
  • School trips and other things that require travelling are less time-consuming.
  • It is possible to make lessons more engaging for students by using a variety of creative ideas.
  • Parents who are deeply involved in their children’s education benefit their children.

The grades and attitude of many children have improved due to homeschooling, irrespective of whether it is the right choice for every child. Explore the life of a family that homeschools their children. You can possibly organise some educational excursions together. Regardless of your education approaches, you will each learn something useful from one another.

5 Ways to Keep Up to Date with Trends as a Parent
  • Reducing Screen Time

Digital technology today is influencing the lives of children. Even though living in high-tech times has plenty of benefits, parents have difficulty balancing screen time with other family activities.

In the US, children aged 0 to 8 use screen media an average of 2 hours and 19 minutes per day. This number increases as the child grows older. In the first year of life, kids spend about 42 minutes watching screens; however, by the age of 5, kids are spending nearly 3 hours watching screens. Most children, ages 0 to 8, had access to a mobile device in their home 98% of the time.

In 2020, audiobooks will be the entertainment and educational choice for screen time for kids instead of social media and video games. The platform allows kids to stay in their familiar digital world while learning something new simultaneously. Listening to audiobooks is a great way for kids to become better listeners and improve their listening skills.

Children enjoy listening to audiobooks while riding in the car. The books can also be a wonderful tool for busy kids who would like to read more or for those with learning disabilities or who do not enjoy reading.

5 Ways to Keep Up to Date with Trends as a Parent
  • Discipline Without Punishment

Ask parents in a group whether they think spanking is effective. Both sides will likely have strong opinions. The year 2022 will mark the beginning of the end of corporal punishment for children worldwide.

Alternatives to spanking are being found around the world. Spinning and all other forms of corporal punishment were banned in Sweden for the first time in 1979. More than fifty countries and states have since followed suit, and many others are considering reforming their systems as well.

Adding extra chores into his schedule as a punishment for breaking a rule is a better alternative to taking away a privilege or a favourite item. When tasked with sorting out the garage for two weekends in a row, your child will make a quick course correction as a result. You’ll also get a spotless garage!

Do some soul-searching and review your discipline strategies. Which have proven most effective? Continue doing what works. How can we improve? Look for ways to change things up.

thrift shopping
  • Thrift Store Shopping

In our households, groceries, and clothing, are by far the largest expenses. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, clothing costs the average American family $1,800 per year. Financial experts recommend a budget for clothing and accessories of about 5%.

You can make a fun day of window shopping at a thrift store if you’re brand new to it. Visit second-hand shops in the area and stop for lunch at a tasty restaurant. While you aren’t planning on purchasing anything, doing some window shopping will help you understand what’s available at various stores. You will not feel obligated to make a purchase—you are only searching. Choose your favourite stores and spend the day shopping for gently used clothing for your family. Online thrift stores are also a great resource.

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