(AD) Back To School With Reading Eggs

My three have always enjoyed learning through games. Whether it's an online game, or a physical activity. That's why Reading Eggs has been such a hit for our family. 

We started home-schooling in March 2020, and in the beginning I did a lot of research, looking for the best products, websites and apps that would benefit my children and encourage them to learn in a fun way! We immediately signed up for a free trial at Reading Eggs, and we've been hooked ever since!

Back To School With Reading Eggs

I am a strong believer in the importance of making learning fun, which is one of the main factors as to why we decided to home-school! To focus on the fun side of learning, catering the learning techniques to each child. Make learning fun not only makes it more enjoyable for the child, but it helps instil a love of learning from early on!

Reading Eggs Review

What is Reading Eggs?

Reading Eggs is an online reading resource with hundreds of lessons, games, animations and e-books to help little ones learn to read. The programme is aimed at 2-13 year olds, with individual, one on one lessons for each specific child to allow them to progress at their own speed. 

Reading Eggs is a multi award winning programme, used by over 20 million parents and children worldwide! Based on scientific research, Reading Eggs was designed by experienced primary school teachers to create a fun learning experience for children. 

What does Reading Eggs help with?

Reading Eggs' main aim is to promote a love of reading and phonics, by focusing on the essential components of reading - phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. 

Reading Eggs can be used as a standalone resource for home education, as a support for their school education and even as a fun way to prepare our children for back to school! By gradually introducing Reading Eggs into your child's routine, your children will soon learn to read.

What age should your child start Reading Eggs? 

Children can start using Reading Eggs from the little age of 2, all the way up to 13 years old. Reading Eggs has 5 different programmes, depending on the age of the child.

Reading Eggs Junior

This programme is for 2-4 year olds. Ideal first steps to introduce your toddler into phonics, reading and alphabet skills! Lots of fun games and interactive activities to keep their attention.

Reading Eggs

This programme is aimed at 3-7 year olds. A much more structured programme with one on one lessons and games, teaching phonics, sight words and early reading skills.

Reading Eggspress

7-13 Reading Eggspress is for older KS2 children, to encourage them to continue working on their skills previously developed and continuing building confidence to help them succeed in school.


Mathseeds is their only Maths based programme, aimed at 3-9 year olds. It's very similar to the Reading Eggs programme, which is great. Lots of fun games and lessons to create an early love of maths!

Fast Phonics

Fast Phonics is a fun filled phonics programme for children age 5-10. With 20 different levels, it will teach little ones key phonics skills, letter recognition, blending and spelling. Fast Phonics has lots of phonics games, videos and books to read!

Reading Eggs Review

What did we think of Reading Eggs?

As I mentioned before, we are big fans of Reading Eggs in this house. After working through the Reading Eggs and Mathseeds programmes, my 8 year old is now making her way through the Reading Eggspress programme. My 7 year old is enjoying the Reading Eggs programme, and my 3 year old adores the fun games on Reading Eggs Junior!

The lessons are all very straightforward on each of the programmes, easy for my 7-8 year olds to progress on their own without needing my supervision constantly. The lessons are all short and sweet, and do go over the same materials again and again (without feeling repetitive!) which is something that isn't often worked on in schools, in my personal opinion. Diving from one topic to the next, without ensuring the child has mastered the previous topic. 

The lessons are the perfect duration to hold your child's attention span, small bitesize activities, ideal if you are trying to limit the amount of screen time your children have.
I have to admit, during the Summer holidays, my children definitely end up having a little too much screen time, so I will ensuring the screen time will be limited when's it back to school!

Another excellent addition to the site is the fact you can print off relevant worksheets as your child progresses through the programme. Again, an excellent way to go over previous topics to help them stick!

Reading Eggs is not just a simple online learning game, it's so much more than that. It allows the child to progress at their own pace, and even repeat lessons if needed. The dashboard on the site is AMAZING too. As a parent, you can clearly see everything about each of your child's progress. From how many lessons they've completed, average scores and even a total of their certificates earned so far!

I also love the fact that as a parent, if you open an account, you can have up to 4 separate child profiles, for the same price as one! That is not often the case when it comes to educational websites, and it's something that really puts me off. There is no way I can afford, nor justify paying for three separate accounts. So it's a huge bonus for me.

Lastly, I love the fact that it is a KidSafe website, so I can happily leave my children to get on with it, with absolutely no risk of them seeing something inappropriate, or leading away from the website itself.

If you can't tell already, I love everything about Reading Eggs! Definitely recommend having a look for yourself, whether you are a teacher, a home-school parent, or a parent of a child in full time education.

How can you access Reading Eggs?

Reading Eggs is available as an app on IOS or Android (not Amazon tablets unfortunately though.) It is only available on a desktop - which I personally recommend for best use. 

The programme is a subscription, it costs £6.99 per month or £54.99 per year.
If you sign up now, you can trial a 30 days free subscription, to see whether you all love it or not! (Over 91% of parents spot a noticeable improving with their child's reading in weeks after using Reading Eggs!)

There is something for everyone with Reading Eggs. It's educational, fun, and a great way to promote positive screen time! We will definitely be sticking around for some time!

Have your children ever used Reading Eggs before?



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