Catching Up

I went absent again for a bit. I don’t know why I feel like I must acknowledge it, as I’m sure it goes unnoticed, but whenever I skip a few mornings at my computer, it feels odd and out of routine for me! So let’s do a little life catch up…

Last week was largely a week of routine. We did lessons and baked and read Harry Potter. This baking cookbook has been such a huge hit! It’s the perfect next step from The Princess Cookbook.

Three elements of our homeschool that are working beautifully right now are Beautiful Feet Early American History, E-Singapore Math, and Typing Club (a free typing program if you’re looking for one). We are in a season where lessons are feeling relaxed and I’m not getting much pushback from the kids. I don’t know how long it will last- did we finally hit a stride and the right fit for curriculum? Or am I just it a lucky phase? Either way, it’s nice!

On a whim, I decided I needed to get my eyebrows filled in (microbladed again). I reached out just in time apparently because my girl Cindy is moving soon and I had no idea. She’s an eyebrow genius and I’m considering road-tripping to Arizona next time I need a fill in. It’s hard to find someone I trust!

Friday was David’s birthday. The girls baked him one of his favorites, carrot cake! He worked half the day, then we worked out and invited friends over for homemade pizza night to help celebrate. It was low key but a lot of fun.

The girls and I gifted him a winter hat, gloves, and a wireless meat thermometer. This is 41! It’s so crazy to think I’ve loved this guy for 19 of his birthdays. And I have a feeling that this year might just be one of his best years ever; bring on the adventure!

Saturday I drove down to Georgia. My sister-in-law’s mom recently passed away and I wanted to be there for the service to support her. Mom and I planned to make a couple dishes to stock their freezer with, so I headed to her house. We took advantage of me being kid and pup-free and went to a favorite local spot for dinner.

It’s a place I’m not sure I’ve been back to since my dad passed away, and walking in made my eyes prickle with tears as memories of happy family celebrations, martinis, and laughter came over me. We picked a seat at the bar, ordered martinis and French fries and proceeded to have a darn good time chatting and laughing. It was such a fun evening (if you disregard the Packer’s loss). I feel so lucky that my mom is one of my best friends.

Sunday morning we drove into Atlanta. I was honored that Cara asked me to curl her hair and I admired her ability to feel the emotions of the day in such a graceful way. The words she spoke at the service captured her mom’s essence- loving, generous, always impeccably dressed, and never met a stranger.

I was glad I could be there and hug my brother and my nieces and cousin and my aunt and uncle… times like that make me miss being in the Atlanta area. I’d love to live closer to family.

I drove back yesterday evening, picked up Indian for David and myself, played a game of Night Watchman (a blend of capture the flag and hide and seek in the dark that the kids love), and crashed hard into bed. We leave later this week for a quick ski trip to Deer Valley! Though it will be fast and furious, I’m really looking forward to it.

Now I’m off to fill in the girls’ day chart… school and play and soccer practice… and maybe the last of Friday’s snow will melt away. It was fun, but I’m ok if it melts now 😉 I hope you have an energizing and fulfilling Monday!