Celebrate Lit Blog Tour: Hunter’s Rose by Carole Brown

Book: Hunter’s Rose

Editor: Carole Brown

Genre: Historical Romantic Suspense

Release date: August, 2022

It’s the late 1800s, and Hunter Carson has married the woman of his dreams and settled on the land he bought. He’s never known God or even much about him. But his tender heart can be touched. His wife—the beautiful and exotic Mexican Rosita DeSantis, is totally in love with him—but something is wrong. Just days after their marriage, why is she crying and touchy? Has she fallen out of love with him already? Or is there something far more serious going on with her?

Rosita’s past is haunting her emotionally. She adores her new husband, but she’ll do anything to keep him from knowing what happened in Mexico before she fled the country. And not because she doesn’t trust him, but she’s worried for his life. Her loving family in Mexico came to accept God into their lives through the ministry of a missionary. But can she hold onto her beliefs through the trials and tests she’ll face when Carlos De Leon insists on forcing her to marry him?

After all, the Mexican Lord—Carlos De Leon—cares nothing for God or any man. His only desire is to obtain what he wants and when. He has a plan and will do anything to accomplish it.

And Rosita will do anything to keep him from succeeding.


Click here to get your copy!


Besides being a member and active participant of many writing groups, Carole Brown enjoys mentoring beginning writers. An author of thirteen full-length, best selling and award winning books (with a novella in an anthology), she loves to weave suspense and tough topics into her books, along with a touch of romance and whimsy, and is always on the lookout for outstanding titles and catchy ideas. She and her husband reside in SE Ohio but have ministered and counseled nationally and internationally. She has found that the traveling and ministering has served her well in writing her novels. Together, they enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, the simple life, and did she mention their grandsons?


More from Carole

Characters that Walk Off the Page

One of my favorite things when writing a new book, is to create the characters. When I wrote the first book in this series, there were quite a few comments about Hunter and Maria, the cook. Readers wanted to read a book about Hunter—Hunter’s personal story. It was a nice affirmation because I’d already decided that the second book would be about Hunter, his love life and the trouble that created the tension in the book.


Hunter is a fun character. With his father murdered while Hunter was just a child, he very well could have been abandoned to fate. Only another young person’s intervention saved Hunter. He grew up to be a man that was both strong and trustworthy. He’s a bit quick-on-the-trigger (as the saying goes) but he’s also smart, loyal, not a bit stuck on himself, and overwhelmed that a beautiful Mexican girl like Rosita DeSantis could fall in love with him. He has the determination to protect her and the ability to give her pretty much anything she wants—without seeming pompous.


Rosita came from a rich, loving family who adored her, and as an only child was entitled to the family inheritance. Having to abandon that life, she was determined to pursue a different life style even when enduring hardship and fear. Nevertheless, she is a sweet, friendly and a loyal friend to those around her. She knows her own mind, yet is not pushy or obnoxious in her efforts, whether it be love or in scorning the man who insists he wants her back. Rosita is both smart and a real lady.


Carlos De Leon, the villain, on the other hand, is one of those persons who has everything: money, prestige, excellent features and education. Yet he lacks the character to realize that it’s not always possible to have everything you desire. Determined to have what he wants and when, he is not afraid to sacrifice the people who he deems is hindering his quest.


And then, there are the secondary characters: those who support and somehow create interest, not only in themselves but in keeping a reader’s interest in how and when the main characters will respond to them.


Could it be the downright good-looking Jackson, who is quiet and withdrawn, has a story? His support of Hunter, the tell-tell signs of his education, and the absence of any real knowledge of his past encourage the reader to imagine who he really is.


Then there’s Gabrielle Autumn Mayfair, a quiet, rather shy girl who is more of a follower than a leader—until it comes to a man who catches her attention. Her friends worry that she may get hurt, but Gabrielle is more persistent than either of her best friends realize. This blondish-redhead has an endurance that may prove favorable—or it might end in a tragic heartache.


Sully, Old Peete, Nicolas, Susie and Maria—characters that flavor the reading and add some laughter, tension and mixed feelings about their possible hindrance or helpfulness.


Characters—one of the best and most fun parts of a book. I hope you readers will get to know the characters in Hunter’s Rose and love (or hate) them as much as I did when creating the story.

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Adventures of a Travelers Wife, September 2 (Author Interview)

To celebrate her tour, Carole is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
