Homeschooling in Western Australia (& Homeschool Groups in WA)

Homeschooling in Western Australia (WA) has grown dramatically in the last decade. It has become widespread in Sydney, Melbourne and Queensland. COVID has also increased homeschool registrations as parents realise they can safely educate their children at home themselves. This post will discuss homeschool registration in Western Australia and finding a homeschool group in WA (with links to groups).

Homeschool Registration in Perth: Government website

How Do I Register to Homeschool in Western Australia?

Registering to homeschool in Western Australia is done through the WA Department of Education (DET). DET takes a while to answer applications.

Legally, you’re supposed to apply for registration within 14 days of your child ceasing school. Or, if you’re a new home educator with a child and your child is 5 and 6 months, apply before the last Friday in February.

Contact your local, regional educational office and ask for a form to register to homeschool. You can find their contact details for registration purposes here.

After you’ve lodged a registration form with a copy of the child’s birth certificate, you’ll receive a certificate of registration.

If you’re having an issue with this, contact the department, it can be pretty helpful as you chat about legalities.

What Age Do My Children Need to Be Registered?

Registration is required when children are 5 and 6 months to 17 and 6 months.

How Long An I Registered for When Homeschooling in Western Australia?

Initially, registration is for one year. You may be registered for a more extended period than that in subsequent years.

Do I Need to Tell the School Principle I’m Homeschooling?

Yes. You need to tell them before your child stops attending school or within three days of them not attending school.

And then, you need to apply for registration to homeschool within 14-days of your child not attending school.

About the Homeschool Moderators (or Inspectors)

Depending on what state you’re in, you’ll need to submit a report and/or get homeschool visits from a government inspector. If you’re in NSW, you get inspector visits. If you’re in Queensland, you need to write a report. When you’re homeschooling in Western Australia, you have to do both.

The legislation means moderators/inspectors evaluate each homeschool in Western Australia through home visits. Evaluation is based on the evidence homeschool parents give these moderators.

After a visit, the moderator will report the situation and send it to the Regional Executive Director. Parents will also get a copy.

If the inspector has any concerns, they can arrange for a follow-up visit to see if their concerns have been addressed. Following this, further recommendations are made.

Moderators are looking for educational progress, so don’t worry about these visits.

Western Australian Homeschooling Groups

WA Homeschooling Groups in Perth

We have a long page dedicated to all the homeschooling groups in Perth at this link. This page is for Western Australian homeschooling groups and their surrounding areas.

Homeschool PARENTS of Highschoolers Perth WA Australia

  • ‘Group for Homeschooling PARENTS of high schoolers in the Perth WA area. Note, this group is NOT for teens, but parents only. Please answer the joining questions. If there is no answer, your request to join will be deleted. Group Constitution: 1. Parents of high schoolers only. 2. If you post articles or courses, they must be related to high school homeschooling, and include your introduction and why you are posting it. Please only post things once. 3. No Spammers, but selling of used highschool-homeschool items allowed. 4. Free speech is permitted. 5. Admin will maintain a low profile, operating as one of the members only. 6. Please report to the admin immediately if you notice any teens joining this group.’

The Network (Homeschooling in Perth & WA)

  • ‘This is a support group for all those who homeschool or are currently making the transition to homeschooling in Perth, Australia and surrounding areas within WA.’

Alternative homeschoolers of the South West – WA

  • ‘A place for Unschoolers, Wildschoolers, Lifeschoolers, Gameschoolers, Eclectic natural learners etc., in the Bunbury region/South West of Western Australia to connect and organise casual meetups, activities and excursions. You don’t need to be anything other than in the group to start organising something; go for it!’

Homeschoolers age 10 + South West WA

  • ‘Welcome to the Homeschoolers age 10 + South West WA, a place to meet people and organise regular events for homeschooled kids from ages ten and plus. Our own space to share our ideas and find the best for our kid’s progression in their homeschool journey. Thanks for joining.’

Homeschooled Teens WA

  • No Facebook description is given for this Western Australian homeschooling group.

HomeSchool WA

  • ‘This group is for members and friends of Homeschool WA, a Christian-friendly group. Please ask questions, share events and encourage one another. We support ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) curriculum STATEMENT OF FAITH We believe: 1. The Bible, comprising the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, in the original manuscripts, is the Word of God, God-breathed, authoritative, and without error. 2. The one Triune God exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; eternal in being, equal in power and glory, and having the same attributes and perfection. 3. God created the heavens and the earth in six literal days, and He created mankind in His own image to have fellowship with Him. 4. Because of Adam’s sin, all people are sinners by nature, separated from fellowship with God and condemned to eternal judgement in the lake of fire. 5. The Lord Jesus Christ became man without ceasing to be God to reveal God and redeem mankind. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, was raised from the dead, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, awaiting His bodily return to earth. 6. Salvation, which includes being redeemed from sin, receiving eternal life, and having a restored relationship with God forever, is received by believing in the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is received only by the grace of God through faith in Christ and not by any works of man. 7. That the Holy Spirit indwells all people who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to manifest His nature in our lives and that we might produce good works through Him. 8. Satan is a created being, who rebelled against God in disobedience, and who is the open and declared enemy of both God and mankind. If you join this group, you will need to feel comfortable with us holding this position and with us teaching these things to our children.’

Homeschool Western Australia

  • ‘​This group is open to all homeschoolers regardless of methodology … there is a search button up in the right-hand corner … click on the magnifying glass icon and then type in a word … that way, you can access past articles or discussions on any topic.’

Western Australian homeschooling kids with extra needs

  • ‘If you are homeschooling children with extra needs, disabilities, giftedness, if you need support in home educating your kids with challenges that regular homeschooling Facebook groups don’t really understand, then join in here. If you are a family member caring for a child and homeschooling a child that fits the group, you will do so. If you are a service and join to promote your service, you will not be added. You can message an admin, and your details will be added to a file that all members can access. Carers in exceptional circumstances may be added but will be assessed individually.’

South West, Western Australia Home Schooling Network

  • ‘We are a group for families who home educate in the South West of Western Australia.’

Homeschool Adventures Western Australia

  • No Facebook description is given for this WA homeschooling group.

The Eclectic Homeschool Western Australia

  • No Facebook description is given for this WA homeschooling group.

Single parenting and homeschooling in Western Australia

  • ‘Support and networking for those who currently home educate children on the autism spectrum in the Fraser Coast / Wide Bay QLD region. If you would like to join this group, please answer the requested questions at joining. This group aims to share information and resources online and develop a safe community of local supports and social events for children and families.’

SWHEA South West Home Education Association (Western Australia)

  • ‘A volunteer-run home education association that is incorporated to enable our community access to opportunities that require groups and/or individual event organisers to have liability insurance. Membership is only open to home-educated families in the South West of Western Australia for $10 per family, per 12 months. This page is for the sharing of SWHEA insured events or discounts only. No for sale posts, no wanting to buy posts. General home education posts can be made in the South West Western Australia Home Schooling Network group.’

Homeschooling Groups in Western Australia (WA)

Homeschooling Albany

  • ‘This is a support group for home educating families that live in Albany, Western Australia and the surrounding areas.’​
  • 300+ members

Homeschooling in the Shire of Swan

  • ‘To help support home educators and meet up in our local area. Open to all styles of Home Education and Unschooling etc. This page supports those who are homeschooling/Unschooling now or plan to shortly only within six months before starting.’
  • 200+ members

Happy Hills Homeschoolers Mundaring district

  • This is for all families currently homeschooling in and around the Mundaring district to organise social meet-ups and fun and educational excursions together. All ages welcome. We will primarily meet up in the Mundaring area. All other local groups a free to share their pages and events on here also 🙂
  • ​200+ members

Yanchep Homeschool Collective

  • ‘A​ group to connect with local homeschooling families living in the far northern suburbs of Perth – from Alkimos to Two Rocks + surrounds. sharing local homeschool events + meetups.’
  • 50+ members

Burns Beach to Butler homeschooling families

  • A group for homeschooling families living in the northern suburbs of Perth, in the region between Burns Beach and Butler. A page for organising meet-ups and shared learning experiences and generally supporting one another.

NOR Homeschool Village

  • This is a group for home educating families with SCHOOL AGE children and their younger siblings in the Northern Suburbs of Perth. A place to discuss home education and to share resources and ideas.
  • 200+ members

Bandicoot Tribe homeschool group

  • ‘Bandicoot Tribe is a social and support group for homeschool parents and children. This group is intended for open-minded parents from all walks of life, accepting all ages including pre-school age, and welcomes quirky children and families.’
  • 50+ members

Narrogin and Surrounds Home Education Families (Narrogin Homeschooling)

  • ‘A group for Home Educating families in Narrogin, Western Australia, and surrounding towns.’
  • ​This Narrogin homeschooling group has 26 members.

Conclusion: Homeschool in Western Australia (WA)

By connecting with these Western Australian homeschooling groups, you can give your children a great social outlet where they can make friends. Additionally, you can find some beautiful mentors who will help you with your homeschooling journey. If you’d like some more information on how to find a homeschooling group closer to your specific area, check out Homeschooling groups in Australia.

The post Homeschooling in Western Australia (& Homeschool Groups in WA) appeared first on How Do I Homeschool?.