Interviews with Experts Parents and Homeschool Graduates

Why this doctor stopped her surgical career to homeschool

This interview with an ex-surgeon-turned-homeschool-mom clearly shows how hard the choice to homeschool can be for many parents when they’ve got a successful career. In this interview we see how much this Christian mom gave up to homeschool her gifted son with sensory processing differences, and how much that benefitted their whole family.

We see the heartache of sacrificing one’s career, yet the rewards it so evidently brought this mom.


How this smart homeschool entrepreneur made $1,000 selling snakes

In this homeschooling interview, I talk to a graduate about his experiences with entrepreneurship. Sean shows us why the home environment is a great place to learn business acumen as you can make more mistakes when you’re young and time is on your side.

We talk about his business ideas and how you can also get your homeschooler into the entrepreneur mindset.


My homeschool experience

In this interview with Yours Truly, I recount my experiences at a Christian school versus the time I spent homeschooling. I show why I believe Christian homeschools can be a great and loving environment for children to learn and grow in.

I also explain the reasons why home is often a superior academic environment compared to school.

More importantly, my faith grew in leaps and bounds during my homeschooling years compared to my school years. This is because I could spend more time learning the Bible and talking to God compared to when I was attending my Christian school.


How this teacher homeschools using all styles

Although many families choose the learning style that suits them best (and then pick a corresponding curriculum), some choose an eclectic homeschooling method. An eclectic method is a homeschooling style where parents use two or more methods in their homeschool (or say they don’t use any method at all).

In this homeschooling interview, I talk to a teacher about how she homeschools her children by using many methods. Check it out here.


What my husband really thinks about homeschooling

While I’m a big fan of homeschooling, my husband doesn’t know much about it and I often wondered how he felt about giving his children a non-traditional education.

My husband went to a traditional grammar school with high academic prowess and expectations. His parents also went to good boarding schools and have never considered another type of education.

I decided to sit down and question him about his feelings about homeschooling and I was pleasantly surprised at his  excitement over some aspects of homeschooling.


Why I began homeschooling and kept doing it

Some parents begin home educating short-term in order to get their children over a small hiccup at school, or to cover them while they travel for a few months. But many families continue home educating after this period has ended. This is because, having had a taste of the benefits and freedom homeschooling brings, their children don’t want to go back to school!

This homeschool interview shows why this family kept homeschooling after experiencing these benefits. You can read it here.

Another great homeschooling interview you might like is:

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