Nevada lawmaker ignores needs of those represented

By Perly Viasmensky

Wayne Allyn Root for Governor?
“No, that is not on my agenda, but…”

Nevada Representative Dina Titus once again joined forces with lawmakers from other states (Virginia and New Jersey) demanding an end to the obstruction to release funds for a presidential transition.
The Presidential Transition Act of 1963 allocated public money to help pay for travel, staff and other costs associated with housing the incoming and outgoing presidents. There have been previous cases when newly elected presidents had to use their own money, campaign donations, or even request other private funding if they wanted to get started before Inauguration Day.
Biden is worth 10 million dollars (according to public records), and as I said before, that’s an amount that we know about, but we have no idea how much he has hidden under the mattress.
If he is so anxious to get to the White House, something he cannot do until January 20, 2021, he can loan the money to himself and then send a bill to the General Services Administration. He can also ask “Kaumala” for a loan. (Isn’t that the way Biden spelled his Vice President-elect’s name in his latest press release?)
On the other hand, Rep. Dina Titus, instead of being so concerned about the transition funds, should at least be a little more concerned about the hundreds of thousands of Nevadans, the very people she was elected to represent, about to lose their jobless assistance, thanks to the incompetence of the Nevada Governor and the many directors he
has assigned to the Department of Employment, Rehabilitation and Training.
I was also surprised to read in a Henderson paper the story by the New York Times of a man in Tennessee about to lose his Pandemic Assistance and all the bills he has not been able to pay.
Why depend on an article from a New York newspaper when all we have to do is look over our shoulders and find locals facing the same distress? Single mothers in need of paying rent and utilities, and most of all, putting food on the table. At least the man in Tennessee is receiving $275 weekly benefits. The people of NEVADA are receiving
NOTHING while the governor is living a great life.
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Too early, too soon? No, not really…
A group of friends were in a bitter discussion about elections in Nevada. I thought they were discussing the voter fraud and I told them that this is very old news in Nevada. I personally have witnessed illegal aliens walking into a voting place with a computer printout given to them by their unions.
I heard from those registered voters that they are going to investigate any voting fraud in our latest presidential election after the election. But isn’t after the election too late to investigate?
One of the ladies in the group said: “No, we are already discussing the next gubernatorial election.”
That attracted my immediate attention, “What or who do you have in mind?” I asked. I was totally surprised when all of them said at the same time — WAYNE ALLYN ROOT — the only one with guts enough to take us out of the mess Governor Sisolak has created for the people of the State of Nevada.
I was shocked to hear the name because Wayne Allyn Root is someone I highly admire. I have followed him on all his network radio shows. I have also checked his profile and admire him for being a high-profile small businessman, homeschool father, citizen politician and capitalist evangelist. He is a leader of a new American citizen revolution for smaller government, lower taxes, school choice, more economic and personal freedom, and more power for the people.
Hundreds of thousands of people in Nevada have been suffering for almost nine months because of lack of funds from the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program. Governor Steve Sisolak has been and still is ignoring the needs of the very people he was elected to care about and protect. The governor has been appointing one director after another to the Department of Employment, Rehabilitation and Training and none of them have proven to be any more efficient. The call center he employed to assist the people of Nevada in need of their unemployment assistance apparently have been trained to lie to people. And they do.
So, I thought, good! If it is at all possible, we could count on Wayne Allyn Root to get us out of the mess Sisolak has made of the State of Nevada.
I am not one to get my hopes up without good reason, so I decided to contact Wayne Allyn Root and ask him if he could be a governor candidate in the next election.
He told me “No, that is not on my agenda, but it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t consider it sometime later.”
That gives us some hope, so we can start collecting names, addresses, and telephone numbers of valid voters now — but only those who will not commit fraud.
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Perly Viasmensky is the General Manager of the Las Vegas Tribune. She writes a weekly column in this newspaper. To contact Perly Viasmensky, email her at

The post Nevada lawmaker ignores needs of those represented first appeared on Las Vegas Tribune.