Seventh Grade Curriculum

My oldest will be in seventh grade this coming school year, 2020-2021. Here is what I have set aside for his school work:

Family on a Hike

Our family on a recent hike. As you can see, my 7th grader is taller than I.

Bible – Junior PowerPoints

We also read Young Disciple Magazine for our family devotional.


Language Arts – Wordly Wise 3000, Book 7 (vocabulary); Logic of English Essentials, Level C; Spelling Bee (word list and participation in our “school” level bee at a local homeschool group); Writing with Skill (Book 1); Rod and Staff Grammar; Mensa for Kids Reading List for grades 7th-8th (so not the entire list, just starting on it and pacing ourselves through it)

Math – Math Mammoth, Pre-Algebra (7th grade curriculum)


Social Studies – Story of the World, Vol. 3, Early Modern Period; geography lesson plans based on reference books I have around the house (Famous Places etc); Tennessee History for Kids booklets


Science – Science Olympiad (if there is one this year), Nature Study (we follow Handbook of Nature Study suggestions), Christian Schools International Science Textbook


Music – Violin; Youth Orchestra (if they will NOT require masks); piano


Physical Education – Taekwondo; hiking with Wild + Free Great Smoky Mountains


Art – Classes at Art Studio of the Smokies


French – French for Children, Primer A + B


Romanian – I read to them from the story books I have in Romanian plus I speak to them in Romanian as much as possible.


Latin – Latin for Children, Primer A


I hope this helps give you an idea of what others are doing. Every student is different, every homeschool operates based on a different philosophical base. I have not provided links for every curriculum. You can easily search them on the internet. Feel free to ask me questions.

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