Social Media and Homeschooling
172: Social Media and Homeschooling
How social media can help you in your homeschooling
Here are the ideas mentioned:
1. Modeling social media use for your children
2. Choose your channel(s) – you don’t need to be everywhere
3. Choose social media accounts and types that have a positive effect on your life
4. Connect with other homeschoolers – mentioned:
- Wellttrained Mind Forum
- Facebook Groups: Homeschooling with Technology Community, Homeschooling Middle School, Homeschooling College-bound Teens
- Twitter – find teachers to follow
- Instagram – Peanutbutterfishlessons, Juliebravewriter, Heritagemomblog
5. Learning with your children:
- Instagram – Taketimeforart
- Tik Tok – Planet Money
5. Connect with likeminded people – Instagram accounts mentioned:
6 Keep up with news and things that interest you
7. Have fun:
- Instagram cat accounts I follow: 1bike1world, Pokeypotpie
- Instagram travel accounts I follow – Nomadicmatt, Elona, TheMomTrotter
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HWT_172_SocialMediaandHomeschooling.mp3 (24:03, 24MB)