Special Replay | Mother’s Day Gifts

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Mothers Day Gifts Podcast

Mother’s Day Gifts, aka “What Mom Really Wants,” is the topic for today’s podcast. As a long-time mom – my first child was born in 1980 – I’ve had some experience *WINK* celebrating Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day has been a time of joy and, truthfully a time of hardship! We moms want to be grateful for whatever we have. While this is true, and I am grateful, I’ve also struggled. Listen as I share some tips for the best Mother’s Day gifts ever, and be sure to subscribe to the Vintage Homeschool Moms podcast!

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Mother’s Day Gifts – What Mom Really Wants

Episode 271

I’m including something personal at the end — so stay tuned for Mother’s Day Gifts that I now learn to except and enjoy!

I’ve had some exhausting Mother’s Days! When my children were little, I was sleep deprived, and I don’t do well with little sleep. I’m not one of those people that thrives on four hours or less and feels so productive. No, I’m the crash and burn Mom who would fall asleep while nursing my baby in the middle of the day. When baby number two came along, baby number one was a wild-man two-year-old, and he kept me awake in the day, so no worries about falling asleep! At least baby number one was sleeping through the night, and two, well, let’s say she finally slept all night at age four!

Then came numbers three, four, and five. A larger home, and guess what? Our home turned into a party central. All of the family came for Mother’s Day dinner, and somehow my day turned into a frustration for all. The kids and my husband had to help clean up, I had to cook, and everything had to be perfect when the first mom came! I finally became wise and learned that with these easy tips, I could reclaim my Mother’s Day! First of all, I had to think about what I really wanted to do. Did I want to go out to a costly meal? Did I want a gift that we couldn’t really afford? Did I want to stress my husband and kids by wondering, “What does mom really want for Mother’s Day?

Truthfully the best Mother’s Day gift is to be appreciated and loved.

Those precious handwritten cards with “Mommy, I love you!” are the ultimate best!

Mother’s Day gift selection for me from my family was not working! After years of costly presents, presents that didn’t fit, household items I didn’t want, and the worse, costly flower bouquets ordered and delivered by the florist–have you seen how much they cost?! I said enough! We needed to cut back financially and it was getting so out of hand. It all came to a head, after the following event.

One Mother’s Day, after church and breakfast, my husband decided to take the three younger children fishing. Our subdivision has many small ponds and drainage streams/ ditches where fish abound. He was doing this to give me “alone time.” As I sat with my feet propped up, enjoying my day, my older son came home and looked smug. I knew something was up! Later I learned from the little kids–you’ve gotta love them; they can’t keep a secret–“Dad called up Neal and asked him to buy and bring us flowers — your Mother’s Day gift — to us– at the pond! Isn’t that great Mom?” So much for secrets. I certainly gave flower delivery an entirely different spin!

Yes, as my husband walked in to hand me flowers! A gift. And I was grateful, especially for the smaller price tag, but I decided that day…it’s now or never time to take charge of my own Mother’s Day gift!


First, my sanity tips for Mom, and next, my ideas for the best gifts ever — or ones I’d enjoy!

Here are my Mother’s Day Sanity tips:
1. If you are cooking, make an easy meal: Baked Ham, store-bought scalloped or mashed potatoes, frozen or canned veggies, and prepared salads.
2. Do a potluck. Everyone loves to show off a special recipe. Assign different entrees or sides and desserts to those attending and let everyone else help with the meal.
3. Use paper products. The trees will survive another day.
4. Flowers. Buy yourself some. You can get them locally at a discount. Make your own arrangements. Hint: Use all of one color and baby’s breath for filler. You can not mess up. I promise!
5. Do something for you. Is it a 15-minute uninterrupted shower or soak in the tub? Is it a manicure? Is it a book that you want to read?
What I’ve learned from the thirty-eight years of being a mom… many times, your family wants you to have the perfect day because they really do love and appreciate you; they need help! Being proactive goes a long way to making your day wonderful!
My favorite Mother’s Day gift was going to church, then out to the beach, and one of our favorite casual restaurants. There is a pizza restaurant that has an extensive sandwich, and salad menu as well. Here we can sit with an amazing view and enjoy each other’s company. The food is delicious and then we can go to the beach and enjoy a few hours before it gets too hot! When we get home, the kids help clean out the car; it gets vacuumed while I shower. Then, prep for an evening meal handled by my now grown-up teens and husband! Things have changed but then, I had to ask for the change, something we moms don’t want to do!

Suggestions for Great Mother’s Day Gift Ideas:

1. Gift Subscriptions – sometimes there are subscriptions I won’t buy for myself and I really want. This is my top list. DO you have any you would add?
  • Audible
  • Kindle Unlimited or other eReader subscriptions
  • Streaming movie channels – like Hallmark *wink
  • Streaming radio channels
2. Coupons from kids
  • I love you mommy notes!
  • Neck messages
  • “Chore upgrade” coupons
  • Car wash
3. Flower bushes
  • Rose bushes
  • Flowers planted
  • Mulch
  • Tree planted
4. Household
  • Trash emptied each day!
  • House cleaned
  • Floors cleaned
5. Devices
  • Sleeve for laptop
  • New phone case
  • eReader
  • Battery charger
Relax. Have Fun. Enjoy Your Day.

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