Special Replay | Top 10 Faith Building Activities

Having fun and learning while teaching the faith, yes! Faith-building activities are discussed, as well as ways to help your children see the spiritual connection between faith and the Bible.Faith Building Activities Episode 325

Having fun and learning while teaching the faith, yes! Faith-building activities are discussed, as well as ways to help your children see the spiritual connection between faith and the Bible.

So, we all want to help our children grow in the Lord; in fact, the Scriptures tell us this Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. And of course, Deuteronomy 6:5-9 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)

Scriptures as Faith Builders

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole strength. And these words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart: And thou shalt tell them to thy children, and thou shalt meditate upon them sitting in thy house, and walking on thy journey, sleeping and rising. And thou shalt bind them as a sign on thy hand, and they shall be and shall move between thy eyes. And thou shalt write them in the entry, and on the doors of thy house.

There are so many more Scriptures as well! However, the most amazing thing I’ve learned, and I am sure you’ve experienced this, is that our kids pick up our worse habits! And, I’m sure it is because it is the ones that are modeled the most – yes, I’m talking to myself here as well. But the good news is that if we model great behavior, praying, reading our Bible, and doing Bible Study, the kids will also pick up our habits.

Prayer as a Faith Builder

First, stop and pray. Ask the Lord how best to teach your children. Ask the Lord to help you to find those teachable moments that bring home the love and compassion the Lord has for each one of us and especially His unconditional love for us!

You know, when you look at other religions outside of Catholicism and Christianity, you find that the gods that these faiths worship require different things. Some require obedience and submission, others require worship or ritualistic sacrifice. Our God only requires our obedience and love, and He returns His love to us.

Christianity is the truth. It is the real thing. It is not a falsehood. And, with that comes an amazing responsibility to teach our children and share the good news.

Here are my top 10 favorite Faith Building Activities:

The First 5 Faith Building Activities

  1. Attending Church
  2. Praying as a family – before meals, in the evening.
  3. Daily praise reports – what are we thankful for each day? We do this every evening after our evening prayers or devotionals
  4. Reading the Bible – and add a journal for older kids, be sure to check out this podcast on Teaching the Bible
  5. Listening to good Christian audios: Such as Christian music, or teaching audios like Adventures in Odyssey

And 5 More Faith Building Activities

  1. Watching good Christian films, for example, on sites like PureFlix.
  2. Story Starters: make a list of questions such as: What would Jesus do? Give them different scenarios, such as when mom asks you to pick up your clothes, help with the dishes, or do chores in general.
  3. Games that teach Christian concepts – https://childrensministry.com/10-active-indoor-sunday-school-games/ One we use to play as kids focused on the need to trust. What you would do is have someone stand in front of an adult and tell the kid to fall back. Most of the time, kids just can’t let go. The idea is that God is there all the time for us, and we need to let go to feel his arms around us, His embrace. Another fun game that was in the handout link on the show notes is giving two different kids a set of combination locks. One is given the combination, and the other isn’t. One will struggle, and the other will open the lock easily. The point here is to show that when we try to do things on our own, without listening to God, we struggle. But if we listen to God and follow His instructions, things will go so much easier.
  4. Acts of service. Helping at a food kitchen, collecting clothes and gently used toys to donate, visit the elderly at nursing homes.
  5. Memorizing Scripture and Prayers.


Friends, remember that the best way to teach about our faith is by demonstrating your love of God to others and setting an example. I pray that this podcast has been helpful and ask that you share the show with a friend, give me a star rating on iTunes or any podcast app where you listen, and please join me next week when I discuss helpful tips for parenting.


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