Training While Calorie Restricted, Getting Enough Protein, Kids and Lockdown | THRR099

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News topic du jour:

Ensuring planetary survival: the centrality of organic carbon in balancing the multifunctional nature of soils

“Not only do soils provide 98.7% of the calories consumed by humans, they also provide numerous other functions upon which planetary survivability closely depends. However, our continuously increasing focus on soils for biomass provision (food, fiber, and energy) through intensive agriculture is rapidly degrading soils and diminishing their capacity to deliver other vital functions. These tradeoffs in soil functionality – the increased provision of one function at the expense of other critical planetary functions – are the focus of this review.”

Podcast Questions:

1. Calorie Restriction While Training Hard [6:58]
From Maryann in THR

I just got in from my best long run. Ever. It was a 12 mile run: 2 Repeats of 2 miles easy / 4 miles at half marathon pace.

I want to thank Ryan Baxter for introducing me to Steph Gaudreau and the concept that too much calorie restriction while training hard is a mistake. My daily calorie intake gradually increased from 1,200 to between 1,400 and 1,800. My performance has improved and my weight / size has stayed the same. It’s easy to see how so many female athletes get their heads so screwed up.

2. How To Get Volume of Protein, and The Magic of LMNT [10:01]
Dave says:
Hi Robb,

I’m trying to figure out how to get enough grams of protein in my diet, and it seems almost impossible without massively overeating.   I’m about 210 pounds, and my ideal weight with healthy composition is probably in the 190-200 range.   Depending on who’s advice you follow in the paleo/keto/IF/carnivore community I should be getting at least 100g of protein, and possibly as much as 200g by some accounts.   Over the last month I’ve been tracking macros carefully and eating basically nothing but meat, eggs, cheese, above-ground veggies, and some (good) fat.  But it’s rare that I get more than about 80g of protein even when I try, and if I do get much more than that I feel over-full the entire day.   I’ve made a point of trying to see if I could get 150g of protein, and eating almost nothing but meat, still couldn’t do it.

Is it actually feasible to meet the recommendations?  The only ways I see to do it are to either drink gobs of whey powder (which would be rather unenjoyable) or workout so much and so intensely that my body would happily double up on calorie intake, which seems rather impractical as a fully-employed 53 year old .  Am I missing something?

I’d love to get your perspective on this, and please accept my apologies if you’ve talked about this on your podcast or other forums– I’m still catching up on several of them.

Also, LMNT is amazing and has changed my life (I truly mean that).  I’m an avid mountain biker, and I use to routinely get cramps, sometimes quite horribly.  I tried everything. The only thing that helped, but only to a degree was using some salt tablets.  But after starting using LMNT this summer, they’re completely gone.  It’s amazing.  But even more:  I used to also routinely have heart palpitations (not the dangerous kind, but still unnerving), as well as restless leg syndrome.   Both are gone now.  And after I made the connection, I’ve noticed that if I feel the palpitations or the beginning of restless leg, within 30 minutes of taking LMNT they’re gone.  That’s happened frequently enough that I’m now sure it’s causal.  I’ve literally never seen or heard anyone make the connection between RLS and salts/electrolytes, but it clearly mattered for me and seems plausible in retrospect given the role of electrolyte deficiency in nervous system and muscular dysfunction.  In any case, THANK YOU!!!


(By the way, since writing this a few days ago, the insight I had was that I was adding a fair amount of fat as well, which makes me full, so this week I’m reducing the amount of added fats (e.g., butter, clean Mayo, etc) to see if that makes room for more meat.)

3. Kids and Lockdown [16:56]
Jen says:
I was listening the new year’s podcast re:kid’s development and covid lockdowns.I  work in prevention and mental health awareness. The lockdowns have been awful and the lack of shared air community has been devastating on so many. But I worry about the rising cry coming from the education and occupational health sectors regarding “lags” in kid’s development during cvid. This lament is (at least in my personal experience)  spawning conversations on how this proves that homeschooling is defunct and school choice shouldn’t be an option-obviously parents can’t teach their kids anything, right?  “Experts” showing up and telling the rest of the country that the people in an area are too stupid to handle themselves and their kids is a national legacy (Shenandoah Natl Park, the Chicago Projects) . While the detriment of lock downs needs to be explored, I worry about this rallying cry and what exactly it may mean for our kid’s over all futures. Just my (crazy) two cents.



The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by our electrolyte company, LMNT.
Proper hydration is more than just drinking water. You need electrolytes too! Check out The Healthy Rebellion Radio sponsor LMNT for grab-and-go electrolyte packets to keep you at your peak! They give you all the electrolytes want, none of the stuff you don’t. Click here to get your LMNT electrolytes


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