Advent Photos 2021 4th December + My Week

 With a different subject of Advent Photos for the days of December - what about my Saturday round up? I need to keep writing something about what I'm doing as the blog is my diary.
So I'm going to photograph some of the copies of old Christmas cards I own and share them on Saturdays with my Being Grateful and weekly round-up.
These cards have been in the Christmas drawer for years - on the back of them they say "A Victorian Post Card re-produced on behalf of  the RSPB" . They have serrated edges and started off being fixed together in book form. They probably came from a charity shop or car boot sale and my plan was to make Christmas cards with them - but I never have, so at last here's a reason to have kept them for so long!
(Sorry about the quality of the photos - it was really gloomy so I laid them on the window sill to take the photos and the light was all wrong )

The first Victorian Christmas cards were always just a postcard. I think there was a reduced cost for posting post-cards rather than something in an envelope.Birthday cards were the same and this must have continued for many years as  I have a birthday card sent to my Mum on her 5th birthday (1931) which is also just a postcard.

 Last Sunday I finally got round to going the the local United Reformed Church service. It's only small and so is the congregation - 10 people! I'm really sad that the Methodist Church that we used to go to sometimes where Col's Mum and Dad were lay preachers, where Colin went to Sunday school as a boy and where our children were Christened  (just the next village from me now) has closed down -  seemingly without any consultation or discussion and without even giving anyone the chance to take on the job of looking after things. 1,000's of pounds were spent on it in the early 90's to rescue it from dry rot (or was it wet rot?). All the pews and wood paneling had to be removed and there were nice comfy cushioned seats and a new kitchen, toilets etc added. Now it will probably be sold off and turned into a house and what's the betting they use the car park for another house too. Down the road in the Parish Churchyard Col's Mum and Dad are surely turning in their graves in sadness! They had both been members there forever.
The URC don't have a Sunday morning service here in the village  every week. I'm debating about going to the nearest Baptist Church although it's 5 miles away ( I attended another Baptist church from the age 7 to 16).
 WI  have a Knit, stitch and yarn group on Wednesday mornings once a month and I plucked up courage to go, taking along some cross stitch Christmas cards to work on that I started so long ago that I can't remember when. Hopefully another way of getting to know people better.  Coffee and cakes of course!

Yesterday was a meet up with Rachel-in-Norfolk. The coffee machine in Morrisons (which had been out of action for more than a week) was working until it ran out of coffee beans when it came to my turn but it was soon filled up and in action again. I had breakfast with my coffee....  a seasonal special...... 'pigs-in-a-blanket in a bap' (chipolata sausage and bacon in a bread roll) and very good it was too. Didn't need any lunch except some healthy fruit! 😇
Rachel gave me my first Christmas card of the year.... thank you Rachel it's a really lovely card and I shall look forward to meeting up in 2022 too.
Sorry the light wasn't good for this photo either

This week I'm Grateful for
  • Being made welcome at both the URC and at WI craft group.
  • Christmas tree lights on gloomy afternoons
  • Getting out and about
The list in my dairy of local-ish Christmas events on today is impossible.........3 things in different directions but what I really hope to do is to travel towards the coast to a Festival of Wreaths being held at a church. In 2018 they had Crib-Fest which was usually every two years - but of course it didn't happen in 2020 - so maybe they plan to alternate between the Nativity scenes and wreaths.
Through December I hope to have a post ready for Sundays too 😲 lucky people!

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