Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: STILL lucky they’re cute edition

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends… even MORE lucky they are cute edition. There’s something squirrelly in the air lately, apparently!

gray and white cat in a drawer

So, the cats have been very busy lately. Case in point: If you, like me, have been wondering how clean laundry gets completely covered with cat hair so quickly… Let me present: The Notorious Bad Kitty Lucy, in a dresser drawer. To add insult to injury: BKL snuck in there in the middle of the night, curled up in the corner of the drawer, then started rustling around and making enough noise that I woke up thinking someone was in the room. Win-win for her, right?

broken blue and white plate

Even worse on the dresser front: I had this cute little plate up on top of my dresser to hold pocket change and whatnot. Until yesterday, that is, when BKL decided to send it skidding over the edge. (She’s going to send me skidding over the edge pretty soon here…)

long gray and white cat

When Bad Kitty Lucy isn’t messing about in people’s dressers, she is busy trying to sneak out of the house every time she spies an open door. This here is the satisfied pose of a cat who spent a while hanging out on the back deck, and now is ready to come inside and relax out of the heat & humidity.

grey and white cat, pink hat boy

However, BKL does have her moments (proving the “lucky she’s cute” point, right?) She is super attached to her boy, and her cattitude is balanced out by her loving nature.

Apparently bucket hats are the new in-thing among all the best high schoolers; this pink version looks great on everyone from Mr. High School, to every cat who’s tried it on. Which would, of course, be every cat in this house.

mr.  high school with his cat and a pink hat

Seriously, man: Best $11 hat ever, don’t you think? And Bad Kitty Lucy just completes the look. Mr. High School picked it up last week on Amazon — I don’t even wear hats, but have been tempted to borrow it from him.

rachel in a pink bucket hat

Bucket hats: Who knew?

How’s Caturday by you?

But anyway, how is your own cat-filled (or cat free) week going? Beyond bucket had madness over here I recently introduced a friend to Trader Joe’s who’d never been. We had fun picking out some impulse buys — then, Gnocchi had fun with the bags. Another win-win! And, as always: Be sure to tune in next time for the latest in the exciting ongoing Caturday adventures of the Notorious BKL and Friends.