How To Purge 100 Things From Your Home Today!

how to purge 100 things from your home

What would you think if I told you to purge 100 things from your home today?

Would you feel overwhelmed or say no way, not possible?

Would you think about how great it might feel for your home to be 100 items lighter but not actually do anything to take action?

When it comes to purging, the hardest part is often JUST GETTING STARTED!

You might look around at your house, your garage, your office, or your closet, and wonder how things got so bad, what your first steps of action should be, where you should start, or how you will ever finish.

These thoughts are very overwhelming for almost anyone enough to paralyze even the most motivated person. Instead of doing SOMETHING, you decide you dont have time right now, so you put it off until LATER?

Sound familiar?

I know its often easier to push things off until later whenever later is but I can speak from loads and loads of experience (in my own life and helping others get more organized) that once you actually bite the bullet and get started, the project at hand usually goes faster than you initially anticipated, and its not nearly as overwhelming as you made it out to be in your head!

If youd like to get a little more organized, clear some of your clutter, and whip your home into shape (but just arent sure where to start) keep reading!

how to purge 100 things from your home

How to purge 100 things from your home TODAY!

Grab a couple of large garbage bags, a laundry basket, or a large box and purge at least 10 items from each of the 10 areas below.

I doubt it will take you more than an hour, and at the end of that time, you will remove a grand total of 100 items from your home!

Youll also be one step closer to a cleaner, simpler, more organized, less cluttered home and life!

Lets get started

1. Closet:

Ill start you off easy purge at least 10 items from your own closet (or dresser). This could be clothing, shoes, accessories, undergarments, purses, bags, coats, etc.

When you have time, go one step further and purge at least 10 items from each of your childrens closets too and of course, encourage your spouse to purge a few items as well.

For the purpose of this post, Im only counting closets as one of the 10-item purges so if you do more than one closet, youll be ahead of the game!

2. Bathroom:

Purge expired medication, old makeup, grimy hairbrushes, empty bottles of shampoo or lotion, frayed towels, and of course, anything you dont actually use or need anymore.

Again, Im only counting this as one 10-item purge feel free to repeat the process with each bathroom in your home!

Heres a look at our bathroom purge from 2 years ago. I actually just purged all our bathrooms when we switched over to using mostly natural products earlier this year.

3. Food:

Go through your fridge, your freezer, your pantry, and anywhere else you keep food and purge 10 items that are moldy, freezer burned, expired, or anything you know you wont eat.

If you have any non-expired non-perishable foods your family wont consume, feel free to box those up for the local food pantry.

4. Kitchen:

While youre in the kitchen, take a few minutes to purge at least 10 gadgets you no longer need or use, duplicate small appliances you dont need, anything thats broken, outgrown kids items like sippy cups, bottles, etc. and anything else you dont need.

I KNOW you have at least 10 purgeable items floating around your kitchen!

If you need a little kitchen decluttering inspiration, heres a look at our big kitchen purge from 2 years ago (we actually have empty cabinets and drawers!)

5. Paper:

Yes, Im only asking you to purge 10 paper items but feel free to do more if time allows!

Consider recipe cards you no longer need, all those papers plastered on the refrigerator, the piles on your counter and/or desk, all the sticky note reminders around your home, and even your filing cabinet.

They are all fair game for your miniature paper purge!

NOTE: Heres how I store and organize all our important paperwork that might be a good weekend project for you!

6. Toys (for kids or adults):

If you have children, you probably have a large number of toys you could easily part with now is the time to do that.

Even older children and adults have their own version of toys think gaming systems, sporting equipment, collections, etc.

If its not your property, you might consider asking the owner first but try to find at least 10 toys to put in your donation bag/box.

7. Books / Magazines / CDs/ DVDs / VHSs:

This should be SO easy Ill even let you include cookbooks in this list if you want!

8. Garage / Basement / Attic / Storage Closet:

I realize this is a HUGE category, but some people dont have a garage, basement, attic, or a storage closet so by including them all in one category, Im hoping to hit every home or apartment situation!

If you have all of the above, feel free to get extra credit by purging at least 10 items from EACH of the different spaces!

9. Hobby:

Most adults I know have SOME sort of hobby that accumulates extra stuff if youre like most avid hobbyist, you need to purge before things get out of control!

Purge extra fabric, yarn, photos, scrapbook supplies, tools, baking or cooking gadgets, canning supplies, paint, or any other tchotchkes you dont need anymore.

Even if your only hobby is reading ebooks on your phone or another electronic device, you can still go through and clean up your book files!

10. Miscellaneous:

This is sort of a freebie for you to determine based on your home and your life.

Choose any area of your home and purge at least 10 more items bringing your grand total to at least 100!

If you need a few suggestions on where you start, Id suggest the linen closet, holiday decorations, mudroom, junk drawer, or filing cabinet it should be easy enough to find at least 10 non-needed items from those spaces!


Like I mentioned above, I feel fairly confident even the most indecisive person can purge 100+ items in a matter of an hour or two especially if you dont have many interruptions and if you stay focused on your task.

Purging 100 items will not magically transform your home, but it WILL get the ball rolling.

It will stop you from saying later and instead, propel you to do something and take action.

Next week (or sooner) you can challenge yourself to another 100-item purge.

Over time, you will notice a big difference in the state of your home. Best of all, you will develop the habit of continually evaluating the things in your home and purging when something is no longer needed.

Yup, it will feel amazing!

Want more motivation to purge? Here are 20 things you should purge in 2020!

What area will purge first???


The post How To Purge 100 Things From Your Home Today! appeared first on Andrea Dekker.