Small Pleasures this week
Paints in the garden – all the fun without the messy clean up!
A vintage find transforms our mealtimes from cramped to calm and the old table transformed into a mud kitchen.
Lots of sensory play and a dustpan and brush at the ready!
The absolutely joy of unschooling – making fabric conditioner – a requested project from son number 1.
exploring electrics
and watching the excitement unfold as he made his own ‘smoke alarm’
Another vintage find to allow son number 1 a toddler-free creative area. Lots of supplies ( luggage tags, sticky labels, envelopes, blank cards, notebooks and elastic bands) found in our stationery drawer and new pencils saved for a birthday enticing in their rainbow of colours.
Flowers left which were noticed and appreciated straight away by the young artist.
…and the wonderful creations which have been bountiful.