Welcome Back

When I got dressed after my shower this morning a sock fell out of the shirt I put on.  It was the mate to an orphan sock that has been lurking in my sock drawer for months.  I knew that the sock was stuck inside some winter garment but had no clue which one it was.  Turns out it was a red, mock turtleneck that I put on today because I was going downstairs to sew and it's not warm in the basement.

And here's what I sewed.  I bought a new long-sleeved tee shirt pattern a while back, cut it out a couple weeks ago, and sewed it up today.  It's been a while since I sewed with a knit like this one (not cotton).  I'd forgotten how slippery it is and how easily it gets shoved under the soleplate of the machine.  Fortunately I was able to poke the fabric back through the plate and save it.  I haven't tried it on yet, I'll do that tomorrow.  I hope it fits.  If I like it I've got more fabric to cut out more shirts.  Of course I do.

It started raining this afternoon, then it stopped, started up again, stopped, poured this evening for a short time, stopped, and is supposed to come back with a vengeance later with thunder and wind.  Guess I'll be sewing tomorrow too.

28 April--Pleased.  

Hello there, I say,
I'm pleased to see you.
It has taken three months
to find the shirt
where the orphan sock
was hiding.

I knew it would emerge
sooner or later.
I'd be dressing one morning,
the sock would drop out
of a shirt or dress or leggings.
That it took so long means
I have too many clothes.

It's kind of sad that the reappearance of a sock warrants this much excitement.  And I took its picture.  Although I did have to go to Walgreens today for some stuff which was pretty darned exciting.  There were a lot more cars in the lot than I expected and all of the other customers I saw were unmasked.  I was masked, the employees were masked.  People are silly, especially old people.  Cases are surging in the county which makes me want to wear a hazmat suit and respirator.  Or maybe my scuba gear.