What Termites Teach Us About How to Be Better Organized

Termite eaten wooden fence. What Termites Teach Us About How to Get Better Organized

One of my summer pleasures is walking outside. The other day, I noticed a wooden fencepost that was under attack from termites. For homeowners, termites represent a threat to be eliminated, and I’m sure this fencepost will need to be replaced.  At the same time, in nature, termites serve the necessary purpose of eating up and getting rid of wood that is no longer useful. As I walked along, I got to thinking more about the lowly termite, and specifically what termites teach us about how to get better organized.

In most homes, belongings are brought in, put to use for a period of time, and potentially set aside to be dealt with “later.” Eventually, these items fall into disrepair or out of fashion, and are stashed away or abandoned. On some level, the idea of having a little critter to come in and magically make the clutter disappear is appealing. Alas, the only responsible way to manage clutter is to perform this function ourselves.

If you are facing a clutter backlog, here are a few lessons from the highly efficient termite:

Nature has a system to keep things from piling up.

If we didn’t have termites, we would be buried underneath dead trees. Just take a moment to imagine what this would look like! Nature flourishes only because it has a way to get rid of the accumulated dead material.

If we don’t have a system for getting rid of items that are no longer functioning or adding value to our lives, we too will become quickly inundated by what we own.

Everyone needs a system for cleansing his/her space. Since we can’t expect items to magically walk out of our spaces, we need to embrace the idea of decluttering as part of normal life. This can and should take a variety of forms, including:

  • A regular day(s) each week to remove trash.
  • Seasonal review of clothing.
  • Quarterly decluttering of heavily used spaces, such as the mudroom/entry, bathroom, family living space, and playroom.
  • Use of a designated donation location.
  • Bi-weekly clear-out of the refrigerator and freezer.
  • Annual “sweep” of storage locations, such as attics, garages, and storage sheds

The key is to set up a system to regularly circulate items out instead of waiting until a space feels out of control.

What you aren’t using could “feed” someone else.

Chewing up old wood is not only work for termites, but also their source of sustenance. They desperately need and want what is no longer required by anyone else.

So much of what we hold onto (and walk around with, and heap into piles, and stash in closets and bins, and trip over…) could be exactly what someone else would love to have right now.

It is tempting to hold onto things for future generations, but remember that items sitting unused often deteriorate. Depreciation sets in, and often by the time you finally get around to trying using a belonging, it is no longer in working order. Leather dries and cracks, rubber stretches, tires go flat, moths do damage, codes and guidelines change, images fade, etc. This reminds me of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which says (in a non-scientific nutshell): “Things fall apart.”

Rather than holding onto something you have a low or uncertain likely of using, seriously consider passing it on to someone in need.

New life will spring up when old junk is removed.

Old wood is heavy and opaque. New plants struggle to flourish when they are buried under layers of dead wood. They need oxygen and sunlight to grow. When termites show up and remove fallen trees, seeds can sprout and bring new life to the space.

The same is true for people. It can be difficult to flourish when we are buried under the weight of yesterday’s clutter.

  • Old memories can keep us from pursuing new paths.
  • Ill-fitting clothing can make us feel bad about ourselves.
  • Lack of space keeps us from exploring new hobbies and activities.
  • Anxiety about unsettled paperwork can drive us to procrastination and distraction.
  • Inability to access supplies stymies our motivation.

If we want to grow, flourish, and move forward, we need to break free from things that shackle us to past experiences, struggles, and/or situations.

Steadily eating away a little at a time results in big changes.

Even to a termite, the notion of having to eat through an entire tree in a day would be a bit intimidating. Instead, termites settle in and move at a comfortable pace.

Progress is most effectively achieved through small – but consistent – steps. If you are overwhelmed by the state of your space, don’t allow the size of the task to discourage you. Take your gaze off of the forest and focus on one log to tackle. If you don’t know how to begin, why not try a decluttering challenge, where you work on one area at a time over the course of a month or other period of time. Or, set a timer each day to spend 10-15 minutes working on an area of your space. For example:

  • Work on one kitchen drawer or shelf each day until you’ve refreshed the entire kitchen.
  • Sort through one type of clothing each week (e.g., shirts, pants, shoes, hats, etc.)
  • Review 5 sheets of accumulated paper each day over breakfast.
  • Sort your pen cup while watching TV.
  • Declutter your bulletin board (or the front of the refrigerator) on the first day of the month.

The possibilities are endless, but the key is to make your “bites” small enough that you will maintain your efforts consistently over time.

Don’t work alone on big tasks.

To my knowledge, I’ve never seen one termite. They are always in groups, helping each other tackle the task. In fact, once a year they “swarm,” flying all over the place and creating quite a scene.

When it comes to organizing, few people have the internal fortitude to work through a large project in complete isolation. Making decisions alone can be difficult, and the process can feel unpleasant.

Instead, solicit the help of a family member, friend, or professional to make the job more pleasant, productive, and successful. I always have a great time working with my clients. We laugh a lot, and I love hearing their stories and learning about their lives and experiences. In addition, having another person to bounce thoughts off of is often helpful when making decisions about what to keep and where to put things.

*     *     *

While the idea of termites might make your skin crawl, I hope you can see the value of these lessons from the way they operate.

Do you have systems in place to regularly declutter?

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The post What Termites Teach Us About How to Be Better Organized first appeared on The Seana Method Organizing & Productivity.